Key Stage-One Key Stage-One Key Stage-One

Tutoring for Ages 4 to 6

Our Key Stage One programmes start from age four. We cover all the fundamentals of Maths and English to get your child off to a flying start at school.

Tutors work closely with parents to ensure that, when you want to, you can learn the techniques we use during the lessons. This helps your child to reach their full potential even more quickly.

Early Maths

With Reception and Year One children, we focus on practical work. This enables children’s arithemtic skills to advance even when they are not quite old enough to write fluently.

All our lessons are aligned to the National Curriculum, meaning children are prepared for the Year Two SATs exams.

Reading & Writing

Knowledge of phonics is an important skill that help children to read and spell more competently throughout their time at primary school.

Children are introduced to cursive letter formation which makes it far easier for children to join up their letters as they get older.

English Skills

As children progress through Key Stae One, we introduce more comprehension in our lessons as well as developing written and oral language skills

7+ and 8+ Prep

For students that may have potential to sit the 7+ or 8+ exams, we incorporate writing regularly so that they are well-prepared from an early stage.